Teatro Metastasio - Contemporanea22

3 CONTEMPORANEA FESTIVAL is a cultural project that has gone through, in the many years of activity, different design directions; each edition is articulated following lines of thought and autonomous trajectories, tracing paths open to the numerous research fields of the arts of the scene. A cultural proposal intended as a moment of construction, of creative development, of meeting connected to international circuits, a festival rooted in the present with an eye to the future. CONTEMPORANEA FESTIVAL 22 stands today in a time that appears dramatically divided between a new digital order that dematerializes the world, establishing a new relational condition where the body no longer presents itself as a subject but as an object. Vision further aggravated by the pandemic that has multiplied social distances, locking up most of the human interactions behind screens and electronic devices.On the other hand, the attempt to preserve the earthly order in which our existence flows, where the contact, the connection with the real, appears more and more evanescent. The body is no longer the home of the relationship with nature, but a conceptualized tool, almost unnecessary, emptied of its role, without gravity. The different experiences that characterize this discordant historical moment, thus trigger a contrasting condition of psychosocial stress; mind and body are linked together, a powerful, indissoluble connection, continuous psychophysical exhaustion causes unpredictable reactions in us as a response to external changes, perceived as a social threat, both mentally and physically, with profound external repercussions. A condition well represented by the image of a body in free fall, in weightlessness. In this climate, many artists interweave bodies and languages in their creative processes, examine new and complex relationships with habitat and nature, hypothesize unprecedented possibilities of coexistence between organic and artificial, conceived both as a possibility of reinvention of the self, and as disturbing premonitions of an increasingly dehumanized future. There are numerous companies that have chosen this edition to present the new performances conceived specifically for Contemporanea, in dialogue and within historical places of the cultural panorama of the city, in addition to the many hosted works that try to activate looks that bring back contact with the surface, seeking physicality and rediscovering a density. Spectators are called to be an active and dynamic part in many works, to enter into an intimate or plural relationship with the artist and the space, to be action. The body is once again the focal point, tangible, and the theater is an occasion for reconnection.