Teatro Metastasio - Contemporanea22

Per questi motivi tre strutture, un TRIC, un Festival e un Centro di Residenza si sono ritrovate intorno all'esigenza di avviare un processo di riflessione sulle pratiche artistiche e organizzative che ci aiutino a comprendere e meglio definire il ruolo delle curatrici e dei curatori nelle arti sceniche e performative del nostro tempo. Desideriamo assumerci l'impegno di aprire una strada e iniziare un percorso collettivo di studio e di confronto istituendo la Residenza per Curatrici e Curatori. Inizieremo a settembre 2022 e a maggio 2023 con tre residenze per comprendere e analizzare il rinnovamento delle scene contemporanee, dentro e fuori i teatri, le espressioni artistiche e la società civile, l'attraversamento dei codici performativi e le urgenze del quotidiano. Per ogni residenza saranno invitati, di volta in volta, dieci curatrici e curatori delle arti sceniche e performative e due curatrici e curatori delle arti visive. The sudden changes of this time and the transformations of artistic and organizational practices have changed the ways of composing projects and no longer allow us to determine what exactly is meant today by curator or curator in contemporary performing and performing arts activities. We like to think that it is still the desire of someone, or of more people together, to take care of a creative process, a work of art, a cultural and social project, a citizenship of women and men who have chosen to question the visions of the world, starting from a well-defined portion of heaven and earth. In these paths studded with continuous questions and rapid shifts of meaning, we believe that curators are those who - moving within the relationships between artists, public and institutions - take on the authorial responsibility of looking after a project from beginning to end, in the infinite variables that inhabit the cultures of projects, including healthy unexpected events and the right to make mistakes, the repositioning of practices and feelings to upset the contents and forms of human action, together. We feel the need to investigate in order to better understand the meaning and the new functions of the curators for the performing and performing arts, fill our gaps, compare ourselves with researchers who have already started a national and international reflection. We wish to listen to the voices and share the actions of a large plural community of operators, organizers, programmers and curators who reflect on the present to imagine a future that is not yet seen, redeveloping the relationships between process and product, dissemination of practices and waiting for results. In the artistic and organizational environments of the residences, the need to establish the Residence for curators could connect with the ancient and consolidated practice of the organizers (mediation of cultural processes with artists and local communities) and the acquisition of new skills to reflect on the mutation of anthropological and 52